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Day 4 of 14 Days of Fasting & Soaking- “You are able!”

Updated: Aug 17, 2023

When it comes to spiritual things, we tend to write ourselves off. We forget that we are both physical and spiritual beings and we are purposed, predestined to grow and to become transformed by Gods glory.

"No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it." 1 Cor. 10:13

a·ble: a: having sufficient power, skill, or resources to do something. b: having the freedom or opportunity to do something. c: having a quality or nature that makes something possible.
Ability: physical, mental, or legal power to do something

Temptation is part of our process in spiritual growth and development. There is no way you can grow in your faith of God and his word without your faith being proving with by difficult situations. Your temptation is not to sharping you but to prove to "You" that you have already overcome the flesh in that area. You must understand the place and position that you are in. You have been "born of God" by the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. According to Genesis 1: 28, "God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” You have been given authority and jurisdiction in the earth realm over creation to produce and have dominion, but because you have not tap into the spiritual jurisdiction you have been given, the enemy has been able to trick you out of your authority and power in God.

In order to recover what the enemy stole, You must first take authority back in the natural realm, and then possess it in the spiritual realm. What you bind on earth is bound in heaven, what you loose on earth is loosed in heaven. The enemy has no power to take anything God has given you from you when you know your rightful place and power. Temptation comes, to prove to you that you are already "Able" you already have the "Ability", the legal power to overcome and destroy all of his works sent against you because of who you are in God.

You are Able! You are victorious! You are more than a conqueror! no matter who, what or how it comes against you, you have already Overcome by the Blood of the Lamb. You have the sufficient power, ability's, Skill, to destroy, uproot and silence every weapon of the enemy in your jurisdiction in the earth(natural realm) and the Spiritual realm. God will never allow a temptation to over take you, because he made you "Able," to Subdue it and to make it subject to your power and authority in the earth. Use your Ability.

Prayer Points:

  1. Father in the name of Jesus give me the strength to walk in the authority and power that you have given me in my new birth, that I may secure that which you have given me through the blood of Jesus.

  2. Father abide in me that I may abide in you. Help me to align myself with the work that you have spoken over my life that I will in my legal power possess the influence and calling in obedience to shine the light of your glory upon those who you have connected to me before the annuals of time.

  3. Father in the name of Jesus, Help me to be the example for the next person of the conformity in Christ you are creating in me in the earth. I want to walk in your power, miracles, healings and deliverance that someone may be set free, healed and delivered, that they may come to know you and be filled with your spirit and submit to your purpose in Jesus mighty name.

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